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时间:2022-11-18 20:01:51 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2466字


This term is over


学期───semester;结束了───It's over


Let me cite an incident that happened last semester as an example.───就举我上个学期在美国求学时的例子吧.

We are trying to pull through the toughest time of the semester.───我们在尽力度过这学期的最大难关.

Have you paid the tuition and fees for this semester?───这学期学杂费你交了 吗 ?

Actually because many semester initial period to the rule did not understand causes mistake.───其实很多学期初期因为对规则不了解所导致的错误.

He did history last semester.───他上学期修了历史课.

How many hours are you taking this semester?───这学期你选修了多少学时?

I hope the new semester in teachers, and more practical work, and continuously forge ahead.───新学期里希望老师们, 更加踏实的工作, 不断开拓进取.

The new school year, new semester, we all filled with the campus an atmosphere of jubilation.───新学年, 新学期, 我们的校园处处洋溢着喜庆的气氛.
