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时间:2022-09-15 00:03:56 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2771字


Material room




On all fronts the Allies were in a desperate situation due to lack of materiel.───在所有战线上,由于缺乏物资,盟军均处于绝望境地.

Other composite materiel , such as fiberglass, can also be used in this process.───其他复合材料,如玻璃纤维,也可以用来在这个过程中。

When the working parts of agricultural machinery works, it always follows the flow of agricultural materiel.───农业机械工作时, 往往伴随着散粒农业物料的流动过程.

They are instructed as to the whereabouts of enemy troops, materiel and highpriority targets.───它们会被告知敌方部队 、 军备和极优先目标的下落.

It was an army , in short, that tried to use doctrine to compensate for materiel deficiencies.───它是一支短缺的军队, 试图通过战术教义来物质的不足.

The requirements of process and quality control of materiel packaging design was intro - duced.───概述了军品包装的设计开发程序和过程控制要求.

Materiel Management ( MM ) plays an important role in enterprise production.───物料管理在企业生产中占据着重要的地位.

During Tzarist rule, both arsenals housed soldiers and military materiel.───在俄国帝制统治期间,两个军火库都安置士兵和军事装备。
