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时间:2022-09-19 00:01:50 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2598字


For most students




He is disposed to accept the new job, for the pay is higher.───他倾向于接受这个新的工作, 因为工资高一些.

The city is justly famous for its nightclubs.───这座城市因其夜总会而闻名,的确不无道理.

We paid £10 , 000 for the shop, and £2000 for its goodwill.───我们用一万英镑买下了这家商店, 两千英镑买下了它的信誉.

Don't strive merely for quantity of production.───在生产中不要单纯地追求数量.

He jumped on me for not agreeing with him.───他因我不同意他而斥责我.

My income for that year amounted to 1000 dollars.───我那一年的收入达到1000美元.

When we use " he " , we generalize for both sex.───当我们用 he 时, 我们泛指男女.

I want to apply for the job.───我想申请这项工作.


Well, I can call for help.

Know your own faults before blaming others for theirs.

The devil finds work for idle hands to do.

If you wish for peace, be prepared for war.

In time of peace prepare for war.