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时间:2022-09-19 04:03:48 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2901字


Small refrigerator


小冰箱───Small refrigerator


A small refrigerator designed or adapted to hold a keg from which cold beer can be dispensed.───一个设计或适用于放下分装冰啤酒小桶的小型冰箱。

We are looking for a small refrigerator.───我们想买一个小冰箱。

A small shelf is attached at the edge of window with a small refrigerator under.───窗台边上有个小架子,下面放了一个小冰箱。

I had the nicest room with a private bath, a twin bed, ceiling fan, a small refrigerator and a little boom box.───我住的那个房间条件最好,里面有一只私人浴缸、一张双人床、吊扇、一台小冰箱和一只小音箱。

She can't have any cooking appliances in her room, but she does have a small refrigerator that she shares with her roommate.───在那里她没有任何可以煮东西的电器,不过有一个与舍友共用的冰箱。


There was a small refrigerator which stuttered and hummed in the night, and some kitchen things.

I had the nicest room with a private bath, a twin bed, ceiling fan, a small refrigerator and a little boom box.

Instead, invest in a small refrigerator for your dorm room.

Jerry's first electronics package was the size of a small refrigerator.

Currently, the domestic car market, although the small refrigerator, in a limited market space, and the enterprises is very fierce competition.