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时间:2022-09-19 12:02:41 作者:星火作文 字数:2721字




生机勃勃───full of vigour;生机勃勃───full of vigour


She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.───她有热情,有朝气。

He's still full of vigour for his age.───以他的年纪而论,他还算仍然充满着生命力的呢.

His voice seemed full of vigour.───他的声音听起来元气充足。

Rooters are all beautiful girls full of vigour and vitality.───拉拉队里面都是漂亮的小姑娘,个个都朝气蓬勃的.

By creating a happy atomosphere in teaching, both the and student are full of vigour.───在课堂教学中,只有营造快乐课堂, 师生双方才能焕发出生命的活力,课堂才算真正的课堂.

He is full of vigour.───他充满了活力。

These young people are full of vigour, but fail in carefulness.───这些年青人劲道十足, 但还不够过细.


They were warm under the sun and full of vigour hardly drained in the short battle and soon flooding back.

Young people are full of vigour and vitality, like the sun at eight or nine in the morning.

All Party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour.

These young people are full of vigour, but fail in carefulness.

At 40, he was in his prime and full of vigour.