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时间:2022-09-19 20:01:38 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3510字


Family school education


家校───Home school;育───Education


His ideas appeal to home school parents. This curriculum reinforces their outlook.───他的理念对热衷在家教育而不是学校教育的家长们很有吸引力,这份课程大纲会巩固他们的世界观。

She was not home school reading, but to move farther away from home to read.───她不在家乡的中学读, 而是要搬到离家乡更远的地方去读.

Needy students who pass means test will receive a subsidy for home - school travel during term time.───经济有困难的学生通过入息审查后,可获发津贴,资助学年中往返居所和学校的交通费.

We've been scolded when we make mistakes - at home, school and work.───当我们犯错时总会被责备 —— 在家 、 学校或者是工作中.

The Shillong Chamber Choir also has a little home school for the underprivileged children.───西隆合唱团还为穷苦人家的儿童修建了一所小小的家庭学校.

Safety – Young person feels safe at home, school, and in the neighbourhood.───安全感——青少年在家里 、 学校和邻里之间有安全感.

Parents can have information exchanges through the home school contact book and the kindergarten's website.───家园联系册、幼儿园网站提供信息交流平台.

Home - school advocates put the number much higher at about a million.───但是提倡家庭教育的人士认为这个数据更高,约有100万.


Thus recent studies have emphasised the discontinuities between home, school and work rather than the continuities.

The cure is a return to the traditional values of discipline in the home, school, and so on.

Records of achievement for pupils, a flexible national curriculum, a home/school partnership agreements, and a national schools award.

The company is targeting the business, home, school and Third-World markets.

I will get my education - if it is in home, school, or anyplace. Malala Yousafzai