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时间:2022-09-19 20:02:22 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2957字


Mr. Yin


尹先生───Mr. Yin


Mr. Gordon, this is Mr. Yin, our factory manager…───戈登先生,这是我们厂长尹先生……

Listing will raise our level of corporate governance, 'and will make Citic a more attractive partner, Mr. Yin said.───殷可说,此次上市将提升中信证券的公司治理水平,也将增加中信证券在合作伙伴眼中的吸引力。

China, the intellectual-property rights, as far as the drug patents are concerned, are actually good in terms of the actual laws,' says Mr. Yin.───说,在中国,知识产权乃至药品专利都受到了关注,从法律角度来说保护的力度并不差。

" Mr Yin said, " Lifang has grown big simply we do a bit better than others in employing family members and competent employee.───尹明善称,“力帆能做大就是贤亲并举比别人做得稍好一点。”

Mr Yin warned that the employment situation remained "grave" and said that the "global financial crisis has not bottomed out yet" .───尹蔚民警告称,就业形势依然“严峻”,并表示,“国际金融危机还没有见底”。

" That the death After the geomancy, please, Mr. Yin and Yang " abandoning my own, seeking the Skeleton.───认为死后看风水,请阴阳先生是“舍我本身,求之枯骨”。


For nearly 20 years, Mr Yin was labelled a counter - revolutionary and assigned menial tasks in a factory.