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时间:2022-09-22 04:03:53 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2637字


I'm tired of it




D : In that case , the food should be cold , not greasy.───在这方面, 冷食及少油的食物好些.

Toosebum results in greasy hairconversely, too little sebum makes dry hair.───油脂含量过多会油性发质,相反, 油脂含量过少则会干性发质.

I usually have to wash the greasy pots and pans.───我得常常洗沾满油污的锅子.

To look after himself , Tanabe mainly eats vegetables and few greasy dishes, an official said.───据一位官员介绍,田锅平时以吃蔬菜为主,很少吃油腻的菜.

During the summer, my skin sometimes gets greasy.───夏天我的皮肤有时候会出油。

Be sure your lips are not greasy when you drink from your glass.───用玻璃杯喝水时,千万注意嘴唇上不要有油.

The mechanic threw his greasy overalls in the laundry basket.───那个表面有一种油滑的感觉.

Barrels, hogITads and drums are not employ for the ~ of liquid or greasy cargoes.───大桶, 大琵琶桶和铁桶是用来装运液体和油脂性货物的.


He bought a heavy - duty cleanser to clean his greasy oven.