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时间:2022-09-22 08:05:10 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2774字


One big eye


大眼睛───Big eyes;一只───One


She has curly hair and big eyes.───她留着卷曲的头发和大眼睛。

Very creamy skin, very big eyes, very dark eyes.───皮肤非常光润,像奶油, 眼睛非常大, 眼球儿非常黑.

I enjoy looking at her sparkling big eyes.───我喜欢看她那闪闪发光的大眼睛.

Her big eyes suddenly lighted up at the happy recollection.───这愉快的回忆使她的大眼睛突然亮了起来.

Grandmother, what big eyes you have!───奶奶,你的眼睛怎么这样大呀!

Who is that boy with big eyes?───那个大眼睛的男孩是谁?

It has brown white fur, two big eyes.───乐乐有一身棕白相间的毛, 两只大眼睛.

The big eyes told Tom his blunder and he stopped, confused.───贝基睁大了两只眼睛望着他,汤姆这才发现自己已铸成了大错,于是他住了口, 有点不知所措的样子.


Very creamy skin, very big eyes, very dark eyes.

She has two big eyes that ray out intelligence.

Her big eyes suddenly lighted up when she saw them.

He has big eyes as her mother's, and inherits my weakness, restiveness .

This feature and its big eyes made it resemble a bunny or a rat—which is why it is commonly called a rabbitfish or ratfish .