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时间:2022-09-23 12:02:16 作者:趣历史 字数:2567字


I had a good time there


在那里───There?;很高兴───very pleased


There may be other worlds out there.───那里可能有其他星球。

There were six or seven of us there.───我们约有六、七个人在场。

There were thousands of people there.───那里有成千上万的人。

Results: There was no significantly difference in operative time, time of stay and postoperative stay between two groups.───结果:两组的手术时间、住院时间、术后住院时间差异无显著性意义。

If he were to leave today, he would get there by Friday.───如果他今天出发,星期五前就能到那儿。

Harper was not at training today, but a club official was there to hear the teenager, accompanied by his father, make an apology.───哈伯今天没有训练,但是俱乐部官员接受了在父亲陪伴下的少年的道歉。


There is no man without faults.

There is no medicine against death.

There is no definitive answer to this.

There is great difference between word and deed.

There was a short, derisive laugh.