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时间:2022-09-24 16:00:58 作者:趣历史 字数:3055字


Because that's not right




The dial index will rotate in azimuth, giving an incorrect heading reading.───读数示标会绕方位轴转动, 给出不正确的航向读数.

Arcing balls are inclined to mislead umpires to incorrect judgements.───弧线球易使裁判产生错误判断.

He's inclined to put two and two together and make five ( = make an incorrect guess from what he sees , hears, etc. ).───他爱捕风捉影, 听风就是雨.

The audience was extremely dissatisfied with the two incorrect rulings of the chief umpire.───观众对主裁判的两次误判表示严重不满.

The food is edible, yet often unsalable because of incorrect labeling or damaged packaging.───这种食品能吃,但是通常因为错误的标签或损坏的包装而卖不出去。

It turned out that our calculations were incorrect.───结果证明我们的计算是错误的.

His version of what happened is incorrect.───他对所发生的事情的说法不准确。

None of the explanations offered is demonstrably correct — or demonstrably incorrect.───所提供的解释没有一个显然是正确或不正确的.


He's inclined to put two and two together and make five ( = make an incorrect guess from what he sees , hears, etc. ).

He premised his argument on several incorrect assumptions.

The assumptions made about the economy's rate of growth proved to be incorrect.

Incorrect choice of words leads to ambiguity for the reader.

The information you gave us was incorrect.