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时间:2022-09-25 00:00:47 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2928字


Look at the first picture


第一幅───The first picture;图───chart


The first picture was taken from the side of the building, and the second one endways on.───第一张照片照的是楼房侧面,第二张照的是楼房正面。

Right-click the first picture and open the link in a new window.───右击第一张图片,在新窗口中打开链接。

The first picture goes here, figure1.png.───第一张图片,figure1 . png。

The first picture was the outline of a man's shadow cast By the sun upon a wall.───第一幅图画是阳光下一个人投射在墙上的影子的轮廓。

The first picture an expecting mother is likely to see of her developing fetus is not, technically, a picture at all.───一位准妈妈可能看到的发育中胎儿的第一张照片,从技术上来说,根本就是不是一张照片。

The alley is the cause of my going there with my daughter in search of his traces, and is also the first picture in a series in the album.───这条胡同是我带女儿去寻访的起因,也是这本画册的第一张有系列的拍摄图。


After airplane landing, saw from the porthole the first picture is, a combat transport stops in there, downward unloads a bunch of bunch of tent and the military stretcher.

The first picture shows a basketball soaring through the air toward the hoop.

The default editor interface will then appear, as seen in the first picture.