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时间:2022-09-28 04:02:29 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2796字


Under ten


十岁───Ten years old;以下───following


Though ten years old, this book is highly recommended.───尽管已出版10年了,这本书仍备受推崇。

I think she is about ten years old.───我想她大概十岁。

He is ten years old.───他十岁了。

Even back then, when he was nine or ten years old, he talked like an adult and could express himself in ways that none of us understood.───甚至在更早的时候,当他九、十岁时,言谈就如同成人一般他说的话有时我们感到高深莫测。

Mike likes collecting coins. He began to collecting when he was ten years old, and he has collected more than 120 coins.───迈克爱好收集硬币。从他十岁开始,到现在他已经收集了120多个硬币。

By the time he was ten years old, Harry had grown into a skinny, knobbly-kneed boy with untidy black hair and a narrow face.───到他十岁的这年,哈利长成了一个瘦瘦的,有着突膝盖、一头乱发和瘦脸庞的男孩。


My blue coat is ten years old, it has seen better days.

Though ten years old, this book is highly recommended.

It is his birthday; he is just ten years old.

He was ten years old when he was shut away in an asylum for stealing an apple.

Even at ten years old, he was a real charmer.