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时间:2022-09-28 08:03:44 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2948字




无家───No home;无家───No home


She was alone because she had no family and no home.───她独自一人,因为她没有家人,也没有家。

It's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home.───无家无业的人难以保持自己的尊严。

And I will be a monster because only monsters have no home.───而我将成为一只怪物,因为唯有怪物没有家。

The child turned to told me that his father was a train driver, fast busy month, there is no home.───孩子转过身来对我说,他爸爸是火车司机,忙得快一个月没有回家了。

When they were first married, Joe and Jane had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with his parents.───乔和简刚结婚时,没有自己的房子所以他们不得不暂时和他的父母住在一起。

Only to no home I'd ever known. I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car. And I knew it. It was like. . . magic.───当我在他下车时扶了她一把的时候,我就感觉到了,那好像是……爱情魔力一样。


The poor creature had no home, family, or friends.

It's difficult to preserve your dignity when you have no job and no home.

The new couple had no home of their own, so they had to camp out with us.

I'll have no income and no home and will need a job fairly badly.

A full-time job, a small child, and no home help left her little energy for dinner parties anyway.