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时间:2022-09-29 16:03:25 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2505字


This is porridge


稀饭───Rice porridge;这───this


Wild rice porridge tastes very good.───黑米粥很好喝.

She fed him only the very best rice and rice porridge.───她只用最好的大米和米粥喂养牛犊.

Joshu asked, "Have you eaten your rice porridge?"───禅师问,“你粥喝了吗?”

Steamed bread and rice porridge.───馒头,米粥.

I've made some rice porridge and spice cookies. Are you hungry?───我做了一些粥和香料饼干. 你饿了 吗 ?

I've started cooking rice porridge to try and use less.───我开始煮米粥来尝试和来用更少米。

Have you eaten your rice porridge?───你喝粥了吗?

The rice porridge has thickened.───这粥黏糊了.


Wild rice porridge tastes very good.

As food : Highlanders Brown Rice Tea can be mixed with any foodplain rice, porridge or soup.

A typical Chinese breakfast consists of a rich bowl of congee (a rice porridge), a deep-fried cruller, and, perhaps, a basket of pork buns.