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时间:2022-09-30 12:03:54 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2713字


In memory of Lu Xun


鲁迅───Lu Xun;纪念───anniversary


Lu Xun ranted and raved against the enemy, but he felt warmth towards the people.───鲁迅对敌人冷嘲热讽,而对人民却是满腔热忱。

The same might be said of Lu Xun.───是足以语鲁迅.

This is another true - to - life image of Lu Xun.───此又鲁迅之一副活形也.

On 19 th October 1936, Lu Xun died in Shanghai.───民国廿五年十月十九日鲁迅死于上海.

This is the figure of Lu Xun in marble.───这是鲁迅的大理石雕像.

That play is compiled by Lu xun.───那个剧本是由鲁迅编写的.

" No , it is not ,'said Mrs. Lu Xun. " It's a very tough plant. "───许先生说: “ 不怕的, 最耐久! ”

The book was written by Lu Xun.───这本书是鲁迅写的.


Lu Xun writes with a leisurely pace.

Like many patriotic writers of his time, Lu Xun began to look leftwards after the rise to power of the repressively rightwing Nationalist party in the late 1920s.

Lu Xun might be called a soldier rather than a man of letters.

Zhou Shuren, pseudonym Lu Xun.

Lu Xun received it from Mama Chang's hands along with her incomparably deep affection for him.