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时间:2022-10-02 08:03:28 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2500字


Shi Chenbei


史晨───Shi Chen;碑───Stele


Yes. I also know "jun-chen-zuo-shi" is the prescription principle set up by Tong jun.───是啊。我还知道君、臣、佐、使是桐君老人制定的用药原则。

In turn, I soon found myself growing anxious there in that restaurant—very anxious—watching Mr. Chen and Mr. Shi drain glass after glass.───相反,我没多久就发现自己在那家餐馆变得紧张起来——非常紧张——看着陈先生和史先生喝光一杯又一杯酒。

Bao Shi Chen not only set up his own ideology of the calligraphy thought, he also committed to the promotion of such thinking.───包世臣不仅建立了自己的书学思想体系,他一生还致力于推广这种书学思想。

In ancient time, the months and the hours (the hours are called Shi Chen) were named after the earthly branches only.───在古代,月份和小时(那时候叫做时辰)都是以天干来命名的。

The core of Bao Shi-chen's poetics is poetic principle of Confucianism.───包世臣诗论的核心,是儒家的诗教原则。
