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时间:2022-10-03 08:03:11 作者:学习啦 字数:3131字


time difference


时差───time difference


The size of the overprinter error and impulse is proportional to the time difference.───套印误不差的巨细与脉冲爆发的工夫不差不败反比.

Due to time difference with night - shift rotation is required for this position.───身体健康,适应较强的工作压力和超时工作;由于时差问题,该职位需要轮班工作.

's the time difference between Taipei and San Francisco?───台北和旧金山的时差是多少?

Time difference also makes me feel weak.───时差也使我感到很虚弱.

Because the time difference because you have to look at the Olympic Games Aoye.───因为时差的缘故.你要熬夜看奥运会.

Mark: 15 hours time difference, how do these athletes deal with that?───马克: 15个小时的时差, 不知道那些运动员们怎样应付过来的.

I forgot about the time difference.───我都忘了时差的问题了.

Whenever she called her parents or other relatives, she always had to think about the time difference so that she wouldn't wake someone up or call when she knew they were in church.───每当她给父母或其他亲戚打电话时,她总是要考虑时差,这样她就不会吵醒他们或知道他们在教堂时打电话。


What's the time difference between Beijing and Los Angeles?

Despite the four-hour time difference between Washington and Reykjavik, he would be rested for the meeting on Saturday.

Not wait until the time difference, not the Internet.

What's the time difference between London and Tokyo?

The time difference between here and there is staggering.