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时间:2022-10-03 16:04:31 作者:星火作文 字数:2855字


Strange people


奇怪的人───Strange people


Strange people do strange things.───奇怪的人做奇怪的事。

But see, mother, how many faces of strange people, and Indians among them, and sailors!───可是瞧啊,妈妈,这儿有多少生人的面孔啊,里边还有印第安人和水手呢!

One explanation is these are really strange people.───其中一个解释就说这些是陌生人。

A lot of strange people were coming in and out of the company when I was having an interview there.───我去那家公司面试的时候,有好多陌生人进进出出的。

This habit has helped me to understand many strange people, and also made me the victim of some terrible bores.───这个习惯让我了解了很多奇怪的人们,当然也让我成了不少麻烦讨厌的家伙的受害者。

James is one of those strange people who actually enjoys writing technical documentation.───James是一个古怪的人,喜欢写技术文档。


On the streets were strange people who spoke a foreign language.

She was faced with a new job, in unfamiliar surroundings with strange people.

Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people.

My cats do not take kindly to strange dogs. even less to strange people.

When he was dying in the factory hospital among strange people, he smiled serenely.