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时间:2022-10-07 00:06:22 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2513字


They're talking




I am honoured to be asked to speak.───我应邀发言,不胜荣幸.

If you have any complaint, don't just sulk ; speak up.───你有意见提出来, 不要闹 意气.

The girl was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak for a moment.───这女孩非常激动,一时说不出话来.

If ever eyes could speak, hers did very plainly.───如果说眼睛能说话, 她的眼睛可说得清楚极了.

I'd like to speak to you again. Bye now !───我希望和你再谈一次. 现在再见吧!

He does not speak standard Putonghua.───他的普通话说得不规范.

Speak louder so the people in the hall can all hear you.───大声点讲,以便大厅里的人都能听清.

Do you speak English?───你讲英语 吗 ?


Choking back my anger, I tried to speak calmly.

I've always wanted to be able to speak Japanese.

Never speak ill of the dead.

Speak of angels and you will hear their wings.

I can't speak Japanese at all.