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时间:2022-10-08 00:04:20 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2661字


Stay negative


宿负───Stay negative


you stay calm and allow yourself to fall back to sleep naturally rather than lying there wondering why you're awake, you usually won't see any negative effects the next day.───别纠结自己为什么醒了,保持冷静,让自己自然地再睡过去,这样消极情绪就不用影响到你啦。

The managers we interviewed accept that this type of content is here to stay and are aware of its potential impact -- positive or negative -- on consumers' buying decisions.───我们采访的经理们承认,这类内容长留于此,并意识到其对消费者购买决定的影响,无论是正面还是负面的。

Stay away from negative or controversial topics, and refrain from long-winded stories.───避开那些负面的或者有争议的话题,对于那些冗长的故事也应敬而远之。

Real interest rates are likely to stay negative until the U. S. dollar collapses and is officially declared dead and worthless.───直到美元崩溃,并被官方证明为失去价值的时候,真实利率可能一直保持负利率。


In the afternoon session , HSI continued to stay negative at the 27000 level.