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时间:2022-10-08 04:04:32 作者:趣历史 字数:2904字


Getting fat


变胖───Getting fat


I could eat what I liked without getting fat.───我可以吃我喜欢的东西而不发胖。

The Honeydukes candy shop puts a magical twist on getting fat.───蜂蜜公爵糖果店里,一个麻花糖果正在神奇地变胖。

The goose is getting fat.───这只鹅越长越肥。

Eating like this, the food volume of every meal increased, so you will eat more slowly, but the risk of getting fat will be reduced.───按这种吃法,每餐所要吃的食物体积增加了,于是速度会放慢,发胖的危险却会减小。

Then he began to get rather fat, so he thought, 'I've stopped playing football, and now I'm getting fat. What am I going to do?───后来他就开始便得很胖,因此他想“我没踢足球了,现在我越来越胖,我该怎么办呢?”

Whatever! Piers Brosnan is an old man and he's getting fat. I couldn't possibly be jealous of him.───得了吧!对,PiersBrosnan年级不小了,也比以前胖了。可是我认为他还是


I could eat what I liked without getting fat.

You are getting fat. You need exercise to burn off some calories.

It may not look like it in the mirror, but getting fat is all in your head.

He was obviously getting fat on his pickings, whatever his game was.

Exercise also helps maintain muscle mass and burn extra calories so you get to enjoy more food without getting fat.