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时间:2022-10-08 16:04:33 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2827字


I got some questions wrong




a topic much discussed in barrooms across the country───全国各地酒吧间议论纷纷的话题

Hillsden scrupulously avoided any topic likely to arouse suspicion as to his motives.───希尔斯登缄口不提任何可能使人们对他的动机产生怀疑的话题。

She writes about women's idealisation of men, touching briefly on the topic of women's fantasy life.───她写女人心目中理想化的男人,其中简单涉及了女人所幻想的生活的话题。

Sex education in schools was the buzz topic.───性教育在学校是个热议话题。

The weather is a stock topic of conversation.───天气是老一套的话题.

We have had to contend with the disinterest of much of the medical profession about this topic.───我们必须全力对付很多医疗界人士对这一话题的冷漠。

The topic is not taught in degree courses.───学位课程不讲授这个课题。

I have discussed this topic in some detail.───我已相当详细地讨论过这个话题。


The environment is a popular topic these days.

Sex is considered taboo as a topic for discussion.

This topic requires a lot of deep thinking.

When I taught, I would assign a topic to children which they would write about.

The topic is taboo.