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时间:2022-10-09 20:03:03 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3213字


the imperial family


宗枝───the imperial family


The impenetrable IHA has almost absolute power over the imperial family.───的宫内厅几乎拥有对皇家的绝对权力。

They communicated specific ideas about the emperor and the imperial family and helped inhabitants of the conquered areas become familiar with the Roman coins.───他们传达了有关皇帝和皇室的具体思想,并帮助被征服地区的居民熟悉罗马硬币。

The Imperial family never returned to Gyeongbokgung.───皇室再也没有回到京畿道。

It was a pleasure palace of the imperial family and also the scene of grand ceremonies and banquets. And it was where Kublai Khan lived.───它是皇家玩乐的地方,也是召开盛大典礼和宴会的地方,忽必烈就住在这。

During the Sui Dynasty, yellow was officially designated as the exclusive color for the imperial family.───从隋朝起,黄色成为皇家专用的颜色。

The Imperial family has raised its public profile significantly in the weeks since the tragedy struck.───天灾发生以来的这几周,日本皇室极大地提高了自己的公众形象。


Opposition to official policy was not confined to parliamentarians, but extended even to members of the Imperial family.

Instruments of torture feature somewhat incongruously alongside porcelain, glassware and fans owned by members of the imperial family.

Hirohito's death in 1989 brought more open attitudes by the imperial family.

The portraits were arranged to form a three-dimensional family tree, and to suggest links with the imperial family in Rome.

The imperial family, steeped in Shinto ritual, appeals to the traditionalist and nationalist markets.