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时间:2022-10-14 20:03:38 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2500字


I really hope you can come


希望───hope;参加───participate in


I hope this good weather will hold out for another week.───我希望这好天气能再持续一个星期.

We hope to inject new life into our work.───我们希望给我们的工作注入新的活力.

I hope this disagreement does not divide us.───我希望意见不同不至于使我们分道扬镳.

That is our sincerest hope.───是为至盼.

I hope you will always respect your word.───我希望你能始终遵守自已的诺言.

I hope you won't have any trouble with the work.───我希望你做这项工作不会出什么问题.

We hope to arrive around two.───我们希望能在两点钟左右到达。

I hope you enjoy your holiday. Go well!───祝你假期玩得愉快。再见!


There's nobody named Bob Hope here.

While there is life, there is hope.

Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper.

I can only hope there has been some mistake.

Without hope, the heart would break.