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时间:2022-10-19 16:00:54 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2869字


Skin care cream


护肤膏───Skin care cream


Doctors suggest that one should use the acne scar cream following a routine skin care method.───医生建议要以痤疮疤痕护肤霜后例行方法。

present invention relates to blood sugar reducing skin-care cream specially for curing diabetes of non-insulin dependence type.───发明涉及一种为降低非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病人的血糖用的护肤霜和其生产方法的技术领域。

There are 40 kinds of toothpaste, 150 lipsticks and 90 colours of nail polish, as well as 116 kinds of skin cream, and 360 types of shampoo and other hair-care products.───还有40种牙膏、150种唇膏、90种颜色的指甲油以及116种护肤霜、360种洗发水极其护发产品。

The invert sugar can be used as a moisture- retentive agent in cosmetics, and used it to form sunscreen and skin care cream.───转化糖可作化妆品的保湿剂,已用于防晒营养霜中,制得的膏霜质地细腻,用后皮肤舒适爽快,无不良刺激。

With a skin care cream can play a positive role in recommending you Ai Fusha compact cream.───用面霜可以起到肯定的护肤作用,引荐你用爱弗莎的紧致面霜。

The present invention relates to blood sugar reducing skin-care cream specially for curing diabetes of non-insulin dependence type.───本发明涉及一种为降低非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病人的血糖用的护肤霜和其生产方法的技术领域。
