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时间:2022-10-20 04:00:58 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2829字


School from Monday to Friday


周一至周五───Monday to Friday;上学───go to school


Hours are Monday to Friday, 9 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm.───时间是从周一到周五,每天上午九点到正午,下午一点到四点半。

We only work from Monday to Friday.───我们仅从星期一工作到星期五。

I work Monday to Friday.───我星期一到星期五上班。

I am in the company all day long from monday to friday, just going to the lab in weekend, so I said so.───我从周一到周五全天都在公司,只有在周末到实验室,我说过这个。

As I have to hit the books from Monday to Friday for five days in a row, there is no way for me to go shopping during the weekdays.───因为我从周一到周五整整五天都要读书,这就意味着我绝不会上课时间去购物的。

Add up the number of hours' sleep you've had over the last week from Monday to Friday. Don't include the weekend.───把你上周从周一到周五,不包括周末,总共睡眠的时间加总。


From Monday to Friday, Amaro, 55, has been receiving radiation treatment.

From Monday to Friday, the fluctuation of their mood appears to be like the sine wave.

Our office is open from Monday to Friday inclusive.

I work Monday to Friday.

We only work from Monday to Friday.