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时间:2022-10-24 16:01:34 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2558字


Flower bed


花坛───Flower bed


View and admire application: Peculiar blue beautiful breed a when spring flower bed spends important breed.───观赏应用: 特有的蓝色花品种是春季花坛花的一个重要品种.

Corner, flower bed beside the bush, the corridor side, have become gathering place for catkins.───墙角 、 花坛旁、草丛中 、 走廊边, 都成了柳絮聚集的地方.

Eye is the first thing flower bed, the colorful layers of potted chrysanthemum.───首先映入眼帘的是街心花坛上, 一层层五颜六色的盆栽菊花.

The geraniums in the flower bed looked bedraggled from the heavy rain.───花坛里的天竺葵被大雨浇得七零八落。

There are some roses in the flower bed.───花坛中有许多玫瑰花.

Throw something over the earp in the flower bed.───扔点什么东西在花坛的呕吐物上,把它盖住.

The impact of the car hitting the flower bed broke the windshield.───那部车撞到花坛所产生的冲力使挡风玻璃破碎.

A path flower bed is between two parties ornament, as if be like colored ribbon.───一道道花坛居间点缀, 宛若彩带.
