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时间:2022-10-26 00:02:36 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2566字


Renal medulla


肾髓质───Renal medulla


enhanced ct scanning the density of renal medulla increased, the margin of renal calyces became indistinct.───CT增强扫描肾髓质密度增高,肾小盏界限模糊。

Usually found incidentally as a small well - circumscribed whitish nodule in the renal medulla.───该类肿瘤较罕见,在肾髓质内可见白色边缘清晰的小结节.

Results Calcium deposition in bilateral renal pyramids in 4 cases and scattered microcalculi in renal medulla and pelvis in 6 cases were accounted 62.5%(10/16);───结果16例中4例表现为双肾锥体钙盐沉积症,6例表现为髓质和肾盂散在性微小结石,二者共计10例,占6 2 .5 %。

Hepatic glycogen is the major storage site for the metabolic fuel for glucose-dependent organs such as erythrocytes, retina, renal medulla, and brain.───肝糖原是以葡萄糖为代谢燃料的器官如红细胞、视网膜、肾髓质和脑的主要储存位置。


On enhanced CT scanning the density of renal medulla increased, the margin of renal calyces became indistinct.