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时间:2022-10-29 12:00:48 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2881字


Limited number


限号───Limited number


The term profession originally denoted a limited number of vocations.───专业这个术语起初表示数量有限的职业.

There are a limited number of exceptions to these requirements.───这些规定的例外情况在数目上是有限的.

Please note that there are a limited number of tickets.───请注意,票的数量有限。

It's very popular and they only give a limited number of tours a day.───那地方很受欢迎,每天只允许一定数量的参观者入内参观.

These ten programs contend for a limited number of resources.───这十个项目为争夺有限的资源而激烈竞争.

The velocity distribution is specified by a limited number of parameters.───指定的速度分布是有限的参数.

A limited number of cars is available.───汽车使用数目有限制.

Reason 1 : Only a limited number of are available on this planet.───理由 1: 在地球上,这款手机只有8888个,限量版.


A limited number of schools offer post-graduate courses which are scheduled over one year.

It justified this effort by the limited number of such compounds available, and the lack of interest by industry.

There are only a limited number of tickets available.

Please note that there are a limited number of tickets.

They are reliant on a very limited number of exportable products.