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时间:2022-10-30 12:04:37 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2619字


Take a walk in the mountains


山里───in the mountains;散步───take a walk


The river rises in the mountains.───这河发源于群山之中.

You're safe up in the mountains, in a special farmhouse I own.───你待在山区里, 待在我自己农场的特别住房里,是安全的.

The river has its source [ rise ] in the mountains.───这条河发源于群山之中.

I took a wrong turn and we got lost in the mountains.───我拐错了弯,我们便在山里迷了路。

Bobcats roam wild in the mountains.───山猫自由出没于山野。

walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.───在山里步行使他更加确信自己有恐高症。

We spent a week walking in the mountains.───我们在群山中走了一个星期。

The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of Turkey.───中东地区的两大河流发源于土耳其境内的山脉。


The villages straggle in the mountains.

They live up in the mountains.

The flowers grow wild in the mountains.

There are wild beasts in the mountains.

They went to a lonely place in the mountains.