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时间:2022-10-31 20:05:29 作者:学习啦 字数:2467字


Today is February 1st


二月一日───February 1st;今天───today


event the end came sooner than expected: on February 1st Terra Firma handed EMI over to Citi.───最后,结局来得比想象中的早:2月1日Terra Firma公司吧百代公司交到了花旗集团手上。

A donation drive for the effort, Plan 28, ended without reaching its goal on February 1st.───一笔捐赠驱动了这项努力,即28号计划,最终在2月1日无果而终。

BP reported its first loss since 1992 on February 1st.───2月1日英国石油公司报告了自1992年来的首次亏损。


It's worth remembering that prices go up on February 1st.

From January 1st to February 1st is one calendar month.

January's non-farm payroll numbers showed a surprise drop of 17,000, the first decline since August 2003, according to figures released by the Bureau of Labour Statistics on Friday February 1st.

Remember, Microsoft initiated its open takeover attempt on February 1st, 2008.