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时间:2022-11-02 16:02:48 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3461字


royal garden


上苑───royal garden


History, is not perfect, only if, Royal Garden can change its way ahead.───历史, 不完美, 除非, 御花苑改写轨迹.

I've declined the invitation to the Royal Garden Party; I'd just to be a square peg in a round hole among all those posh people.───我已谢绝参加皇家游园会的邀请,同那些显赫要人在一起, 我觉得实在格格不入.

She got an invitation to a royal garden party.───她获得一份参加皇家游园会的邀请函。

The Summer Palace, which used to be a royal garden, is my favourite park.───颐和园是我最喜欢的公园, 它以前是座皇家园林.

It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel.───已经和这一行人说好将在皇家花园宾馆吃午餐。

In Royal Garden, you find that all luxuries are must.───在御花苑, 你发现,一切奢侈品都应该是必须的配备.

Your garden doesn't rival a royal garden, but what you really love is not the royal garden but yours.───你培育的园林没有皇家园林美,但你爱的是你的园林而不是皇家花园。

You will be also insulated from life in Royal Garden if you prefer to no change.───如果你不善于改变,那么你也将同御花苑的生活绝缘.


There is grassland on the natural brae of Royal Garden, yellow and green, fighting with the autumn. In this grassland, an alley wanders forward, just like the traces from a big snake' creeping.

She got an invitation to a royal garden party.

On the other side of town, in a quiet brasserie near the Royal Garden, the thought of some collective “group hug” inspires revulsion in Hans Rustad, the founder of the rightwing site, document.no.

After multiple rounds of elimination through contest, finally, censorious eyesight has to face Royal Garden where it was sentenced to death.

It was arranged that the party would gather for lunch in the Royal Garden Hotel.