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时间:2022-11-11 16:06:00 作者:学习啦 字数:2600字


Once upon a time there was only one sun in the sky




The sunlight was reflected from the water.───阳光由水面反射出来.

The sunlight played along the water ahead of us, making it difficult to see where the boat was going.───阳光在我们眼前的水面上荡漾, 晃得我们都看不清小船向哪里驶去了.

The ground under the trees was checkered with sunlight and shade.───林地光影交错.

The bright sunlight made me squint.───强烈的阳光刺得我眯起了眼。

Summer pours scorching sunlight into the valleys.───夏日的骄阳照进了山谷.

Sunlight had broken through the clouds.───阳光冲破了云层。

The sunlight filtered through the thick leaves.───阳光透过茂密的树叶照射下来.

The sunlight is very harsh.───太阳光很刺眼.


The room was flooded with warm and golden sunlight.

I was dazzled by the sunlight.

Sunlight consists of different wavelengths of radiation.

Sunlight filtered through the chinks of the shutters.

Sunlight barely penetrated the dirty windows.