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时间:2022-11-12 20:01:55 作者:语文迷 字数:3132字


Follow the doctor's advice


医嘱───Medical advice;遵照───Comply with


If swallowed seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label.───误吞后立即就医诊治,并出示此容器或标签.

Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice.───免责 - 此资料不应被解释为医疗意见.

This diet cleans the body from toxins. Always medical advice before starting a diet.───这种节食法可清理人体内的毒素, 使用此方法前请遵医嘱.

The patient with lung tuberculosis has given up smoking on medical advice.───这位肺结核病人遵照医生的劝告已经把烟戒了.

If you feel unwell, seek medical advice ( show the label where possible )───如感不适, 应就医诊治 ( 可能的话,出示有关标签 )

The doctor starts the show with a song and then gives medical advice.───医生开始用一首歌曲节目,然后给出医疗建议.

Take medicines only with medical advice , including aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or other over - the - counter or prescribed medicines.───所以请遵医嘱服药, 包括阿斯匹林、退热净 、 布洛芬以及其他 非 处方和处方药.

You should seek medical advice for that growth.───关于那个肿瘤的问题,你该咨询一下医生.


This is in line with medical advice for all home pregnancy tests.

Medical advice was provided gratis.

Medical advice suggests that they are not yet at toxic levels, which would pose a threat to human health.

She had discharged herself against medical advice.

If you are concerned, seek medical advice.