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时间:2022-11-12 20:02:38 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2584字


Dream pool


梦池───Dream pool


AD 1031. Birth of Shen Kuo, who collected past scientific achievements in The Dream Pool Essays.───公元1031年沈括出生。汇集前人科学成果,著《梦溪笔谈》。

From the moment you arrive at the stairway to the Neptune Pool until you bid farewell to your guides at the magnificent, golden and blue Roman Pool, you are reminded that a man had a dream.───从到达通向尼普顿水池楼梯的那一刻起,到在金碧辉煌的罗马水池边对导游说再见,你会一直想起一个有梦想的人。

In the book Meng Xi Bi Tan (Dream Pool Essays) (1088) he wrote about mineralogy, erosion, sedimentation and uplift, mathematics, astronomy, and meteorology.───在《梦溪笔谈》(1088)中,沈括谈到了矿物学、腐蚀、沉淀与提取、数学、天文学、气象学。

These have proved that the dream pool essays about Bi Sheng in records of tegillarca type.───这些都证明了《梦溪笔谈》里关于毕升泥活字记载的真实性。


Some of the dream pool levels, or planes, are a carbon copy of the real world.