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时间:2022-11-13 08:02:39 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3377字


Creative products


创意品───Creative products


Commit to produce creative products that are aesthetically pleasing yet encompass all of the clients requirements.───锐意生产具创意而美观的产品,但同时产品也照颅了客户的所有需求。

However, while many museums may want to design their own cultural and creative products, most still lack the know-how.───然而,很多博物馆如果想设计出自己独特的文化艺术品还缺乏技能。

notice, as Sawyers indicates in the last myth, that the bias toward creative products is only one piece of the creative pie.───值得注意的是,就如上述索耶所说的最后一个谣言表明的,对创意产品的偏见仅仅是创造性的一杯羹。

The most original and creative products seem to be coming out of Japan as this book goes to press.───当这本书出版时,似乎大部分原创和具有创新的游戏都来自日本。

Yet because he really liked music, and the artists who made it, he was opposed to what he saw as the theft of creative products.───但是他本人太爱音乐了,也包括创造音乐的艺人。他反对对于创意作品的盗窃行径。

The company attaches great importance to the artistic taste of products, employ digital technology arts master design, creative products.───本公司十分重视产品的艺术品味,聘请数位艺术工艺大师设计、创作产品。


Dual-phase stainless and seamless steel pipe is a item approved by National Standard Technology Committee of Boiler Pressure Vessel and province creative products.

Commit to produce creative products that are aesthetically pleasing yet encompass all of the clients requirements.

The whole staff of the company work hard and unitedly with the company's aim at quality and sincerity. They develop the markets by providing demanded and creative products.