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时间:2022-11-13 16:00:38 作者:学习啦 字数:3629字


Passenger train


客运───passenger transport;列车───train


From Zigong passenger transport terminus, there are nearly ten buses daily running to Leshan and two buses to Dazu County.───自贡每天大约有10班车开往乐山,2班车开往大足。

Door ? to? Door public transport , namely Demand Responsive Transport, is a sustainable passenger transport development mode.───门到门 公共交通 即响应需求的公共运输, 是一种可持续发展的旅客运输方式.

Agricultural vehicle for passenger transport operator is strictly prohibited by the laws and regulations.───农用车载客运营也是为交通法规所严厉禁止的.

Scope: Car Rental. Inter - provincial city passenger transport . Management : services passenger transport. Management: services.───经营范围: 汽车出租. 跨省市旅客运输. 经营方式: 服务.

The peak time for passenger transport will come earlier this year.───今年春运的客流高峰期提前到来.

Effective and scientific traffic volume forecast is important for decision and management for highway passenger transport.───科学有效地预测公路客运量对于公路客运的管理和决策具有重要意义.

Operation profit is the main index for railway passenger transport.───客运营业利润是铁路客运的主要效益指标.

Du Xue, the tower austral company of group of Shenyang passenger transport bus branch steward.───杜雪,沈阳客运集团公司南塔公共汽车分公司乘务员.


As the basic service place, passenger transport station holds an important position.

Passenger transport peak appears in the traffic department, the traffic accident incident and criminal case.

Future restoration of passenger transport and domestic air routes to collect fuel surcharges, depending on the domestic aviation kerosene price to determine changes in a separate study.

The passenger transport diesel locomotive of DB is installed first with take electronic pilot 3516 B engine.

Finally, the planning of highway passenger transport station system in Cangnan will be applied for the instance.