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时间:2022-11-16 20:01:05 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2994字


He fell off his bike and hurt his knee


自行车上───On the bicycle;膝盖───knee


How much did he pay down on the bicycle?───他买那辆自行车先付了多少定金?

It is very dangerous to place a basketball on the bicycle without securing It'string bag.───蓝球没用网袋装住放在单车上是非常危险的.

As a beginner , he is wobbling about on the bicycle.───他刚学骑车,在车上摇摇晃晃地.

The boy on the bicycle went bang into a telephone pole.───骑自行车的小孩子砰地撞到电线杆上.

Father helped me remove the rust on the bicycle with the de - ruster.───爸爸用除锈剂帮我清除自行车上的锈斑.

The boy who is on the bicycle is my little brother.───在自行车上的那个男孩是我的弟弟.

The boy riding on the bicycle hit a big tree and was all black and blue.───骑自行车的男孩撞到大树而身上伤痕斑斑.

Always on the bicycle to the training sessions with my sports bag on the back rack.───那时候,我总是骑着自行车去训练,把包放在后面的架子上.


The cyclist had a big leather bag strapped on the bicycle frame and they kept the set in there.

It was just enough to buy groceries in the evening on the bicycle.

Both wheels on the bicycle had been badly buckled.

The common inflator does not solve the structure problem and the theft-proof problem, so no one is suitable to carry on the bicycle.

As a beginner , he is wobbling about on the bicycle.