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时间:2022-11-18 20:02:21 作者:学习啦 字数:2711字


Does he look good




I'm sorry. I seem to be off my game today; let's play again tomorrow.───真遗憾, 我今天竞技状态不好; 咱们明天再来一场.

I can't seem to recollect where we met.───我似乎想不起我们在哪儿见过面.

These houses seem to blend into the surrounding scenery.───这些房屋似乎与周围的景色融为一体了.

You don't seem to realize what thin ice you are on.───你似乎没有意识到你现在的处境有多危险.

Parts of California seem like paradise to me.───加利福尼亚的一些地区对我来说就像天堂一样.

You seem in fine fettle.───你看起来状态很好。

Does it annoy you if others do things less well than you would, or don't seem to try hard enough?───如果别人不如你能干,或者似乎不够努力,你会很生气吗?

We seem destined never to meet.───我们似乎是命中注定无缘相见。


Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a lion.

They seem to equate intelligent belief with credulity.

You don't seem quite yourself today .

Politics does not seem to interest him at all.

Parts of California seem like paradise to me.