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时间:2022-09-23 12:03:14 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2648字


Let me introduce my sister to you


妹妹───younger sister;我───I


The girl picking flowers is my younger sister.───正在采花的女孩是我的妹妹.

Her parents were intensely ambitious for her and her younger sister.───她的父母对她和她妹妹有着很高的期望.

His sense of guilt had its roots in his childhood loss of his younger sister.───他的负疚感源于他在童年失去了妹妹。

She was furious at being upstaged by her younger sister.───她被妹妹抢去风头,感到气愤不已。

She stayed at home to keep company with her younger sister.───她留在家里陪伴她妹妹.

She takes delight in teasing her younger sister.───她以逗弄妹妹为乐.

There are four of us including my parents, a younger sister and me.───有四口人,父母亲 、 妹妹和我.

As a child she fought with her younger sister.───她小时候会和妹妹打架。


He baited his younger sister unmercifully.

He delights in teasing his younger sister.

She seems extinguished by her younger sister in computery.

My parents and my younger sister.

When will your younger sister ante up?