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时间:2022-09-25 00:00:58 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3138字


Dad is wonderful


棒棒───Bang Bang;爸爸───dad


There is a harp making its melodious harmonious sounds, and then you take an ax to the harp, bang bang bang, chop chop chop, or a hammer whatever.───有一架竖琴发出悦耳和谐的声音,然后你拿起一把斧子或一把锤子什么的,梆梆邦,敲敲敲。

bang bang ") repeats the last command in its entirety.───bang bang ”)完整地重复最后一条命令。

This is Bang bang , a monkey . He is hungry now.───这是帮帮, 一只猴子。他现在饿了。

Bang bang baby shot me in the heart, in the dark.───砰砰,宝贝,在黑暗中你击中我的心灵。

Old urchin grandfather received an extraordinary step father's distress signal, decided to send Bang Bang and Kaka to help step trivial.───老顽童爷爷收到步平凡爸爸的求救信号,决定派棒棒和卡卡去帮助步平凡。

Bang, bang, bang, director door sound somewhat astonishing, little sister put down the paper, walked to the door.───砰,砰,砰,局长家的门响的有些惊人,小嫂子放下论文,向门口走去。


Bang Bang specialty is chicken, beef jerky, dried, fermented bean curd are all better.

Bang bang, you're dead!

Bang Bang Racing THD is a fun, action-packed racing game that has cool visuals and pumped-up sports cars.

Oliver, West Side Story and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang rounded off the top ten "Greatest Musicals of All Time".

"Bang, Bang" not cut down a tree, the sloth bear on the straight whir so tired sitting on the ground panting, "Oh, tired and exhausted, and I can not stand.