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时间:2022-09-29 16:03:29 作者:星火作文 字数:2797字


Stop the pain


癃───Scrofula;罢───Let's go


Where to have sell inside disappear scrofula bolus?───哪里有卖内消瘰疬丸?

Objective To explore the treatment of abscess scrofula and ulcer scrofula.───目的探讨脓肿型、溃疡型淋巴结核的治疗方法。

23 cases of complication of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, 4 cases of tuberculous pleurisy and 4 cases of scrofula.───浸润性肺结核23例,结核性胸膜炎和淋巴腺结核4例。

In clinical practice, they are often used together to treat nodules such as goiter and scrofula.───在临床实践中,他们经常一起使用,以治疗诸如结节性甲状腺肿与瘰。


In clinical practice[http://sentencedict.com/scrofula.html], they are often used together to treat nodules such as goiter and scrofula.

Where to have sell inside disappear scrofula bolus?

I is for Illness - Childhood illness including smallpox and scrofula - tuberculosis of the lymph nodes - left Johnson blind in one eye and almost deaf in one ear.

There were 23 cases of complication of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, 4 cases of tuberculous pleurisy and 4 cases of scrofula.

Results The child gastritis and peptic ulcer were easily misdiagnosed as bowel ascarid, gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, even mesentery scrofula etc.