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时间:2022-10-02 08:03:42 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2913字


Summer rain


夏雨───Summer rain


Erich FriedWarm summer rain: When a heavy drop falls the whole leaf quivers.───心叶丛林埃里克?弗里德夏雨温暖: 一粒沉重的雨点打得叶浑身震颤.

If the spring is a fair maiden answered gently, then filled with summer rain to be robust masculine youth.───如果说春雨是一位轻轻柔柔的窈窕淑女,那么夏雨就应该是充满阳刚的健壮少年。

Warm summer rain: When a heavy drop falls the leaf quivers.───心叶丛林----埃里克?弗里德夏雨温暖: 一粒沉重的雨点打得叶浑身震颤.

But this summer rain falls off a lot.───但是这个夏天,雨总下个不停。

Walk in a summer rain shower without an umbrella.───在夏日阵雨中漫步,不要打伞.

Set up a movie night when the summer rain is pouring outside.───外面如果大雨倾盆就安排一场电影之夜。


The rain then makeup, summer rain, summer lightning, beautiful flowers.

Agriculture in the south will suffer as underground water is exhausted and already sparse summer rain disappears.

The statistical results show that the variation of summer rain belt pattern relates closely to the strength of summer monsoon in the East Asia.

I feel the wind on my face and the first drops of a summer rain shower falling on my hair.

Each of the sway of a summer rain outside the window, the window the total flow of ethereal miss me.