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时间:2022-10-03 16:05:19 作者:语文迷 字数:2936字






This also is an inducement that tripartite of Chinese pays the market rapid development.───这也是中国第三方支付市场快速发展的一个诱因.

The British tripartite system of oversight was ineffectual in the Northern Rock crisis.───英国三方监管体系在英国抵押银行危机中已经失去了效力.

Not for nothing is the Suez crisis known in Egypt as the " tripartite aggression ".───因此,埃及把苏伊士运河危机看作是 “ 三方侵略 ” 并非没有原因.

The current situation is tripartite confrontation. No party wants to give in to another party.───现在的局势是三足鼎立、各不相让.

Specific say , difficulty basically expresses range of the following now tripartite.───具体说来, 难点主要表现在以下三方面.

What are the concept of tripartite mechanism and connotation?───三方机制的概念与内涵是 什么 ?

Essentially they all agree on the tripartite division of B ü hler's language function: representation, expression and appeal.───本质上,他们都赞同布勒对语言功能的三分法: 再现, 表达和感染,但他们的理论有相似之处又各有不同.

Promoting the Tripartite Cooperation among China, Japan and Korea.───推进了中日韩三方合作。


The minister is to hold tripartite meetings with the oil and car industries to discuss ways of reducing pollution.