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时间:2022-10-08 00:04:47 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2640字


I got it


给我───Give it to me;找───look for


Will you give it to me?───你能把它给我吗?

You are my elder brother. You should give it to me!" said he.───你是我的哥哥,你应该把它给我!”他说。

Why don't you give it to me?───你为什么不把它给我呢?

Bergamo: I no longer have his number, if you give it to me. . . in fact remember, we spoke about this.───我不再有他的电话,即使你再给我…事实上我有,让我们开始谈正事。

Lucy says, "Yeah, she always had my back and I could always count on her to give it to me straight. "───露西说,“是,她一直支持我,我常常依赖她给我的支持。”

The next day I put my book in Hongbing's bag and told him to give it to me before class.───第二天,我把书给红兵,装在他的书包里,上课时再给我。


Please, give it to me the egg cup.

Give it to me in a nutshell.

Yes, just handwrite a list. And give it to me by noon tomorrow.

Give it to me. I'll put it on the record player.

Give it to me next week - I won't have time to read it before/until then.