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时间:2022-11-11 16:06:11 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3608字


Honeycomb paperboard




But now the honeycomb board manufacturers often control bad quality problems often.───但现在蜂窝纸板生产厂家往往因控制不好经常出现质量问题.

The metallic and honeycomb ceramic substrate are used the most extensively in the Automobile Gas Purfier.───金属载体与蜂窝陶瓷载体是目前汽车尾气净化器中应用最广的两类载体.

Fiber glass honeycomb structures were inspected by the system and the patterns were clear and identifiable.───用该系统检测玻璃纤维蜂窝结构件的模拟脱粘缺陷,缺陷散斑图像清晰可辨.

Honeycomb as type of a material have an extensive practice in soft landing of lunar Lander.───铝蜂窝缓冲器是月球探测器软着陆机构常用缓冲装置.

Plastic honeycomb pipes are used to protect underground communication cables and optical cables.───塑料多孔管主要用于埋地通信光缆和电缆的穿导、隔离和保护.

First produced in a lab back in 2004, graphene is essentially a single layer of pure carbon atoms bonded together in a honeycomb lattice so thin it's actually considered two-dimensional.───石墨烯最早于2004年在一个实验室中诞生,它本质上是一层由纯碳原子组成的蜂窝状晶格层,这种晶格层非常薄,实际上被认为是二维的。

The combustion properties of civil honeycomb like briquette are similar to the common sold one.───其中民用蜂窝煤的燃烧特性与普通市售型煤相当.

The mechanical performance of corrugated paperboard and honeycomb board were reviewed.───本文回顾了国内外瓦楞纸板和蜂窝纸板力学性能的研究状况.


The cushioning property of honeycomb board was analyzed.

There was a spreading honeycomb of a wine-rack, full and expensive looking.

As dissolution proceeds, a honeycomb texture may result, particularly where a mineral has near rectilinear cleavages.

A honeycomb provides the most rigid structure with lightest weight.

Why are honeycomb cells in bee hives hexagon shaped?