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时间:2022-09-29 16:04:04 作者:学习啦 字数:2763字


boiling hot


滚烫───boiling hot


Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.───食物常常是表面滚烫,而里面可能还是凉的。

It's boiling hot today! I can hardly stand it.───今天天气像蒸笼一样热! 我简直受不了.

Impossible to drink this tea, waiter. It is boiling hot.───服务员, 这茶没法儿喝, 滚烫的.

This soup is boiling hot!───这汤真烫!

The water's boiling hot. Pour it from one cup to another repeatedly to cool it.───开水太烫, 拿两个杯子折一折就凉了.

's boiling hot. Pour it from one cup to another repeatedly to cool it.───太烫,拿两个杯子折一折就凉了。

When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!───当其他所有人都酷热难耐时,我却冻得够呛!

When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!───当每一个人都热得不行时,我却冻得发抖!


I'd gone stone cold but felt boiling hot.

We don't usually have such boiling hot weather.

A boiling hot day it was, everybody red-faced and sweating.

The catapult breaks throwing boiling Hot Pot gloop everywhere.

Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.