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时间:2022-10-08 00:04:54 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3063字


Fire disaster


火厄───Fire disaster


threw the cigarette ends anywhere, it would also cause a fire disaster.───把烟头丢在任何地方都有会引起火灾。

So people have to strengthen the awareness of fire prevention to avoid the lost from fire disaster.───因此大家必须加强防火意识来避免火灾。

The seventh is called charge of fish, for the sea animals that can fire disaster.───第七个叫押鱼, 为海中异兽,能灭火防灾.

Fire disaster in expressway tunnel may result in serious damage to life and property.───高速公路隧道内的火灾对生命和财产都有着极大的破坏性作用.

Units suffering fire disaster shall immediately organize fire fighting and rescue work.───火灾的单位必须立即组织力量扑救火灾。

This lease contract is terminated should the leased building be subject to a fire disaster.───假如发生火灾,本租赁合同立即终止.

It has no hidden trouble for fire disaster, which will be safe, reliable and automotive.───无火灾隐患, 安全 、 可靠、自动化程度高.


The prevention measures for fire disaster in subway are introduced on the principles of disaster science.

It has no hidden trouble for fire disaster, which will be safe, reliable and automotive.

Fire disaster in expressway tunnel may result in serious damage to life and property.

Western countries strongly at the same time, the fire disaster to lead his country.

It is important to apply the electric leakage protection and fire disaster alarm Instrument nowadays.